The girls were playing Barbie/Disney Princess dolls recently. The dolls were having a big party in the Dream House to say goodbye before they had to “stay home forever because of Coronavirus.”
Whoa… some big stuff to unpack there.
I’ve been making masks to donate and of course the whole YouTube mask thing, so the girls asked me if I could make masks for their dolls, too. Sure. If some quick and easy masks are going to help them work through their emotions, then count me in!
Read along with my daughter as she reads one of her favorite picture books.
What an enjoyable book that examines the same situation from two very different perspectives! Sk8rGrl did a great job reading! #ProudMama 😊
This video is posted on my channel too @ QueenMomMe . We didn’t know it at the time, but it’s the first in a series the girls and I are calling Stay Home and Play With Me. More on that later…
No-Sew T-Shirt Mask DIY – The video that launched my channel
It started out with sewing masks to donate to healthcare workers. I’ve made about 100. Some went to a hospital, some to a nursing care facility, the next batch will go to a homeless shelter. But as the news spread at the end of March that everyone would be expected to wear masks in public, there was a lot of talk -and some panic- on our local Mamas Facebook group re: where to get a mask, what if one can’t afford to buy masks, what if one doesn’t sew, etc. So in an effort to help, I went to search YouTube for a suitable no-sew mask that you could make with materials you already had in your house. I didn’t find anything (at that time). So… I decided to make my own.
I didn’t know how to edit video, so it’s all in one take on my older iPhone, taped to a box sitting on the table next to where I was working. It’s got kids asking for snacks and everything. I figured out how to post it to YouTube, make it public, and get a link to it so I could share with the Facebook group. I figured it would be seen by a few people, hopefully help a few local families, just doing my part. Had I known…
At the time I’m writing this, it’s been viewed over 1.4 million times. More than 6,000 people have subscribed to my previously non-existent channel. I’m not at all sure what they’re hoping to see more of from me, but hopefully we can work that out. And I’ve got advertisers bidding on ad placements, companies contacting me with affiliate marketing opportunities, and one company even sending my kids free sunglasses! What?!
So I don’t know where all of this is going, but I definitely know that it started right here with this video.