I measured TinyTot’s feet according to charts and instructions on the Riedell and Jackson websites, but I figured I should take my own advice and get a good professional fitting.
Not only is it good to get a professional opinion, but it’s really fun for the little skater.
When we got to the skate & ski shop, I filled out a brief survey about her skating level and intended use of the skates. They carefully measured her feet and got out little skating socks for her -“just like (SkaterGirl)’s,” TinyTot giggled. (Shopping note to self: get a little pair of skating socks)
TinyTot is more comfortable sitting on my lap at the beginning of the fitting.
I mean. Seriously! How cute are those itty bitty skates?! And they fit perfectly! Jackson skates, at least for girls, run smaller. A 7 in Riedell is an 8 in Jackson (approximately). So I asked the big question: What do these cost? Jackson Mystique, Toddler Size 8 = $119. So… yeah… more than I had planned to spend for first-lesson-on-the-ice skates.
I haven’t given up on finding used skates (yet!) so, for now, the search continues…
I have finally been convinced (read: worn down by pleading) that SkaterGirl’s little sister TinyTot, age almost-3, is ready to take her first skating lessons! #HerTurn
TinyTot peeks at the big kids on the big ice
I successfully signed TinyTot up for a beginner ISI Tots class that starts in June. I figured summer would be less stressful from a family scheduling point of view. We’ve got the snow pants, mittens, helmet all ready to go! Queen Mommy is so far ahead of the game this time around! (see first child MomFail)
Oh no no no. Not nearly that easy. The rink doesn’t rent skates small enough for TinyTot! She needs an itty bitty size 7. I have driven to and called sports resellers all over town. I’ve posted “ISO teeny tiny skates” on the Facebook sites. Nothing. Hmm… Could it be that TinyTot gets brand new skates before SkaterGirl?
*sigh* I hope she doesn’t change her mind about wanting to skate.
January 2015: Four-year-old SkaterGirl is all bundled up. Hopes and knee socks high!
The class gathers off the ice in the Skate School coaches’ room. They exchange names, go over safety, check to see that the skates are all tied properly, that everyone is wearing helmets and mittens, and then… to the ice!
SkaterGirl spent the first 4 weeks just struggling to learn how to stand up after falling. I’m not exaggerating. If her determination doesn’t get her somewhere someday, I don’t know what will.
Not being a skater myself, I feel that it’s a wonder anyone ever makes it beyond that first class.
But very quickly it went from that to this:
(Note her choice of lighter coat and heavier mittens)
And that’s really all that was expected to graduate to the next level: Consistently standing up on her own after a fall and moving in a forward-ish direction. Mission accomplished!
Would love to see your beginner class photos! Please post pics and stories in the comments.
Your Olympic hopeful is taking to the ice for the very first time! Hooray!
Will they be expected to wear a sparkling skating dress with matching scrunchy? Or full hockey pads? Not yet. That all comes too soon. For now a helmet, warm jacket, water-proof mittens, socks, and snow pants will do you just fine. As with all activities, we do what we need to do to keep SkaterGirl’s hair out of her face.
Skaters will benefit more from a lesson while wearing proper skates. We prefer boots be of leather rather than vinyl, and they should have strong ankle support. Blades should be of high tempered steel and properly sharpened. Double runners are not allowed.
It is important that all skaters are warm and comfortable while skating. We suggest dressing in layers and request all skaters to wear mittens or gloves.
No shoes allowed on the ice.
We got by with a properly fitted bicycle helmet. Of course a winter sports helmet would be great.
Kiddo’s going to want skates with a sharp blade and really supportive comfortably-fitted boot. Not the adjustable skates or the ones with double blades. Those are fine on a pond in the backyard, but we’re paying for lessons here. Let’s get our money’s worth!
Rent Skates
Most rinks rent skates. Maybe a good place to start for two reasons:
What if they get on the ice and realize it’s waaayyy harder than it looks on TV and decide right then and there that skating is a silly sport anyway and their new dream is to play soccer in the World Cup. Then you’re just out the $3 rental.
If they decide they want to pursue skating, you’ll have the chance to try the skates and figure out which size is best before you commit to buying a pair. It also gives you the time to look for good used skates to buy.
Buy Skates
If/when you’re ready to own skates, I highly(!) suggest looking for used ones first. Ask around at the rink first and do a little googling. Kids are constantly outgrowing their skates. Look for a reputable brand that makes beginner skates, like Riedell or Jackson. We had really good luck at the Play It Again Sports in Minnetonka, MN. We found used Riedell skates for $20! Maybe you have a re-sell place like that near you? If not, check out this Facebook group (please tell me if you know of any in other countries as well): Figure Skating Swap – USA (National)
Your kiddo watched the winter Olympics with great interest, and is now inspired to become a world-class ice skater. Welcome to the club!
You, yourself, are not a one-time Olympic skater, nor has your child ever had skates on their feet. You don’t quite know where to start.
Group Lessons!
I’ve heard coaches say that kids really won’t get any further in the very beginning stages of learning to skate with private lessons than they will in a group lesson. And in fact, they often do better seeing that other kids are having the same challenges as they are. So go with the group option – it may be your last inexpensive choice! *kidding, not kidding*
My SkaterGirl watched the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics carefully, spinning and jumping in the living room as the Senior Ladies spun and jumped on TV. I believe it was during Gracie Gold’s “Sleeping Beauty” program that my 3 year-old SkaterGirl turned to me with stars in her eyes saying, “Mommy, it’s my dweam to be an ice skatewr!” (she didn’t get her “r”s quite right for another several months)
I remembered seeing the words “Skate School” in the local Parks & Rec winter/spring catalog. As soon as she was old enough (age 4 in this case), I tried to sign her up. The morning that parks & rec Fall registration opened, I made coffee and went online to sign my daughter up for her dream… Oops! The classes were already full. Registration had opened at midnight. Dweam deferred. For the following session registration, I was at my computer at 11:55pm, ready to go for my successful midnight registration. Step 1 (of 1,000,000,000) done! Dweam on!
Lessons learned:
Similar to swimming lessons in the summer, beginning levels of skate classes tend to fill up quickly. Particularly the most desirable dates/times in the colder month sessions, and probably especially following the winter Olympics.
Find out in advance what you will need to register for classes. You may be required to sign-up with the skate school before you’re allowed to register for classes.
Be sure you know what time the online registration will “go live”, and then get there several minutes early.
I’d love to hear your first-time registration stories. Thanks for sharing them in the comments!