I have finally been convinced (read: worn down by pleading) that SkaterGirl’s little sister TinyTot, age almost-3, is ready to take her first skating lessons! #HerTurn
I successfully signed TinyTot up for a beginnerĀ ISI Tots class that starts in June. I figured summer would be less stressful from a family scheduling point of view. We’ve got the snow pants, mittens, helmet all ready to go! Queen Mommy is so far ahead of the game this time around! (see first child MomFail)
Oh no no no. Not nearly that easy. The rink doesn’t rent skates small enough for TinyTot! She needs an itty bitty size 7. I have driven to and called sports resellers all over town. I’ve posted “ISO teeny tiny skates” on the Facebook sites. Nothing. Hmm… Could it be that TinyTot gets brand new skates before SkaterGirl?
*sigh* I hope she doesn’t change her mind about wanting to skate.
Stay tuned…
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